So, no need explain much..You all can easily know that this is a course that study about ISLAM!!! Well, jz took my TITAS final exam this morning...yesterday was busy make fren wf TITAS book...
My conclusion about this course...
1. I wonder why our government wants us to take this course. This's a course that's 'magic'! You know? You may spent 3 hours study TITAS, but eventually you won't know what you study about! You won't know what should be remembered, what shoud be memorized. So, sometimes, better don't STUDY!! haha...
2.Maybe our government want to let us know what's civilization, but sorry, I don't really know very deep about civilization after I finish this course. What I can see from the book is, ISLAM GOOD!!! Islamic civilization is the ever best civilization, no one can fight wf it!! Ermm..Maybe...
3.Something I don't really understand the book. Part of the chapter is about US. Precisely, critic about US! Ok, you said US monopoly the world, you said US bully Islam people, you said US selfish, you said US view every matter in the world 'melalui kaca mata BARAT'. What for you want to tell us?? That's your point of view what, don't you viewing this matter 'melalui kaca mata KAMU' also?? lol! This's about personal opinion, we will judge ourselves la plz....Anyway, I still answer my exam 'melalui kaca mata TITAS'...>.<
Well, finish TITAS course this sem, going to take Hubungan Etnik and Kenegaraan courses in next sem...'Looking forward' to them... MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!!!^^